This is pre-title
The actual title
This should be the Teaser widget text. Teasers can be linked to internal or external content. This one is not linked.
This is pre-title
The actual title
This should be the Teaser widget text. Teasers can be linked to internal or external content. This one is not linked.
This is pre-title
The actual title
This should be the Teaser widget text. Teasers can show the photo on top or either side of the content. This one is left aligned.
This is pre-title
The actual title
This should be the Teaser widget text. Teasers can show the photo on top or either side of the content. This one is right aligned.

Slider Widget

This is the slide Title

And this is the slide text. It can either be top, center or bottom aligned - vertically. Margins are controlled by the slide margins setting - individually, per single slide. Content padding is always uniform.

Another slide Title (smaller tho)

This slide text block is top aligned and has a slight margin on the right hand side. You can also control the content background if you want to.

Just a Title (centered)

Image doesn't fit right?

This slide doesn't use "COVER" size photo, it's rather set to "AUTO". That's why the image doesn't fit slider dimensions (width and height). If you need to make the image fit slider boundaries, always use "COVER" setting.

Feature Block Widget

This is Feature Block widget. It can have an icon, title, text and button. You can combine icon and text positions/alignments to create different style Feature Block. Let's consider some of them.
Action Button

Feature Block Widget II

This is Feature Block widget. It can have an icon, title, text and button. You can combine icon and text positions/alignments to create different style Feature Block. Let's consider some of them.
Action Button

Feature Block Widget III

This is Feature Block widget. It can have an icon, title, text and button. You can combine icon and text positions/alignments to create different style Feature Block. Let's consider some of them. Yes, the button is not mandatory.

Feature Block Widget IV

This is Feature Block widget. It can have an icon, title, text and button. You can combine icon and text positions/alignments to create different style Feature Block. Let's consider some of them. Yes, the button is not mandatory.

Feature Block Widget V

This is Feature Block widget. It can have an icon, title, text and button. You can combine icon and text positions/alignments to create different style Feature Block. Let's consider some of them. Yes, the button is not mandatory.

I'm a section title

I can have an icon

Or different color

As well as alignment

I am called Info Box Widget

My image can be left or right hand side aligned while image / text ratio is flexible. Of course, it's a settable option of this widget. Vertical alignment of text, as well as the background are settable too.

Info Box Widget II

My image can be left or right hand side aligned while image / text ratio is flexible. Of course, it's a settable option of this widget. Vertical alignment of text, as well as the background are settable too.

Info Box Widget with button

Now I'll just add few words of text and the photo. Image will be linked to a local page.

I'm a Button

News List Widget

Busfahrkarten: Ersatzkarten und Aboänderungen nur noch online bei der DB…

Ab dem Schuljahr 24/25 sollen Ersatzkarten und Aboänderungen nur noch online bei der DB beantragt werden. Ersatzkarte: Änderungen:  …Mehr lesen

Continue reading "Busfahrkarten: Ersatzkarten und Aboänderungen nur noch online bei der DB…"

Materialliste Klasse 5 und weitere Downloads

Materialliste Klasse 5 und weitere Downloads…Mehr lesen

Continue reading "Materialliste Klasse 5 und weitere Downloads"

News List Styled Up

Erfolgreicher Abschluss der Referendarausbildung an der IRSP Konrad Adenauer in Vallendar

Vallendar – In diesem Jahr schließen an der Konrad Adenauer Realschule Plus zwei Referendarinnen ihre Ausbildung erfolgreich ab. Die beiden Pädagoginnen haben ihre Ausbildung…Mehr lesen

Continue reading "Erfolgreicher Abschluss der Referendarausbildung an der IRSP Konrad Adenauer in Vallendar"

Europäisches Frühstück – bunt und gesund! Aber treibt’s mit dem Müll nicht zu bunt!

Vallendar – Am letzten Schultag vor den Ferien verwandelte sich die IRSP Konrad Adenauer in einen lebendigen Treffpunkt für Schüler, Lehrer und Kooperationspartner wie…Mehr lesen

Continue reading "Europäisches Frühstück – bunt und gesund! Aber treibt’s mit dem Müll nicht zu bunt!"

Schülerinnen und Schüler der IRSP Konrad Adenauer Schule zu Besuch bei der Firma thyssenkrupp Rasselstein

Noch vor den großen Ferien hatten die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassen 7 bis 9 der IRSP Konrad Adenauer Schule in Vallendar die Gelegenheit,…Mehr lesen

Continue reading "Schülerinnen und Schüler der IRSP Konrad Adenauer Schule zu Besuch bei der Firma thyssenkrupp Rasselstein"

Schwimmabzeichen-Prüfung der Integrativen Realschule plus Vallendar: Ein großer Erfolg!

Am 09. Juli 2024 fand im Vallendarer Freibad eine aufregende Schwimmabzeichen-Prüfung der Integrativen Realschule plus Vallendar statt. Die Veranstaltung wurde von der Deutschen Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft…Mehr lesen

Continue reading "Schwimmabzeichen-Prüfung der Integrativen Realschule plus Vallendar: Ein großer Erfolg!"

Image Widget

This is me, the title

Image Widget can have a caption. Captions may be very long text if needed and styled up with some basic HTML tags (allowed by mr. WordPress himself).

Contact Widget

My Contact Name

500-698 E 33rd St
Los Angeles , CA 90011

My Phone: +1 800 900 1000
Any Fax? Yes: +1 800 900 1001

Social Media Widget

Chainsaw Masquerade

I can also add some text here - next-to-or-above the icon-links. If you need to, you may use basic HTML tags (allowed by WordPress) to style up the content. So, let's add some spooky title!

Theme's Plugins Widgets


No posts found for your Widget!

Events II

No posts found for your Widget!

Events III

No posts found for your Widget!

The End

And that's it with regards to theme and theme's plugins widgets. You can use any of these as a part of the SiteOrigin page builder or any other widget-ready section of this website. Enjoy!